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Texas Cave Conservancy
Headquarters 2003-2013

Olmec Head
It took ten years for the Texas Cave Conservancy to obtain a home. We moved into that home in 2004. Located at the intersection of Lakeline Boulevard and West Park Street in Cedar Park, Texas, it was almost perfect for cavers. In June, 2013, The Texas Cave Conservancy moved to our new headquarters located 1000 feet south of the old place. It is a modern office with almost everything we could hope for. From the headquarters we can reach seventeen cave preserves with our Polaris Ranger ATV. This makes the TCC work of cave monitoring and park building much easier.

Headquarters Map

Texas Cave Conservancy

201 South Lakeline #601
Cedar Park, Texas

Headquarters Montage
The old Texas Cave Conservancy Headquarters proved to be extremely valuable in our cave management, education and scientific research efforts. Cavers and non-cavers throughout the year use our Library. The new office will prove to be a great new addition to the organization.

The photo below is of several Lebanese cavers that stayed here in Cedar Park.

International Congress

Campground Montage
The house and the four acres are all part of the Wilcox Nature Preserve named for former owner, Bertha Wilcox. Working with Mike Warton, she took steps to gate and protect the cave related endangered species sites on her property. The lake in the photo above, owned by the City of Austin, is behind the Wilcox Nature Preserve.
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